Welcome to Sunday Morning at St. Timothy’s
You are welcome! Come join us!
If you’re new to this denomination, you’ll have no trouble following along because the entire service (e.g. scripture readings, congregational responses, and song lyrics) is printed in your bulletin. If you are familiar with the Episcopal church, you’ll recognize our service liturgy as following Rite 2. We gather each Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. as a community, to bring glory to God through beautiful music, prayers and the spoken word. We celebrate what God has done in our lives.
Our service always includes Eucharist (you may know this sacrament as “Communion”). All are welcome around the altar (children included). Come forward, then kneel or stand to receive the bread and wine or an individual blessing. Gluten free bread is available (just let Fr. Joel know you prefer it when he serves you).
While our altar is ramp accessible, you may be more comfortable having the bread and wine brought to you in the pew. If this would be helpful, please inform an usher. Please contact the office if you would like Fr. Joel to bring Eucharist to you.
Children participate in “St Tim’s KIDS” programming during the first half of the service and join us in the sanctuary just before the Eucharist.
If you are unable to attend worship in person, recordings of some services are available on our YouTube channel.
Following the service we gather for ‘coffee hour’ on the lower level, which is accessible by stairs or elevator. Please join us. Besides snacks and coffee, it’s a good opportunity to chat a bit and get to know each other. We’re looking forward to meeting you!