As followers of Jesus, we believe all people—without exception—are God’s beloved and are called together by the Holy Spirit. Inspired through time-honored worship, the people of St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church strive to boldly love every person and all creation.
Sunday Morning Worship begins at 9:30 am. Ramp access to the altar and gluten free host are available. Please join us and then stay, chat and get to know us at ‘coffee hour’, immediately following the service on the lower level (elevator accessible). Special occasion services can also be viewed later on St. Timothy’s YouTube page.
Join us for Ash Wednesday – the Beginning of Lent

If you are not able to join us at St. Timothy’s, but would like to keep up to date with what’s happening, you can view our Weekly News here!
Supporting One Another – One of the primary tasks and certainly the heart of the community is to hold each other in prayer. You can also schedule a time to talk one on one with Father Joel.
The 2023 Annual Meeting report can be viewed here.